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Home > english-chinese > "screw a bulb in" in Chinese

Chinese translation for "screw a bulb in"


Related Translations:
bulbs:  大浇斗球根花卉 --例如郁金香,水仙,百合...等等.要视乎季节贩卖,
deposition bulb:  沉积瓶
hair bulb:  毛球
bulb rudder:  球形舵整流罩舵
getter bulb:  吸气剂管
glacier bulb:  冰河舌扩足冰川
levelling bulb:  平液球管
ram bulb:  撞角球鼻
bulb up:  (卷心菜等)打包,形成球状包。
inflating bulb:  打气球
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